Ximending boutique hotel

I just came back to the night her husband said something I’ll have to travel to Taipei, finished I went to a bath of effort, so I finished out of the shower when my husband gave me that helped me was that he had booked a Ximending boutique hotel , Ximending boutique hotel just heard this when I was a little angry, her husband, and I do not even talk about the hotel gave me a really good set of. Later I also saw her husband already booked I did not say anything, I also looked online there are a lot of people are Ximending boutique hotel evaluation is also very good, I also looked at the Ximending boutique hotel in Web, feel the environment is also good, so I hope this this Ximending boutique hotel really like to say that after the evaluation to go, then I’ll be satisfied.

hualien hotel

Taiwan’s Hualien is really a very beautiful place, I have a very chance to play here, really like, like found treasure. Here is so beautiful. I’m just looking for a hotel to stay the hualien hotel, hualien hotel environment is also very good, the price is very cheap, is really a bargain. This is just a little disappointed that I am a person to come here, and if then have a few friends like, but doubtless still have a chance. Next time I will definitely come here for hualien hotel hotel, so it must be a good place to recommend to a lot of people, I think my friends would like to come here after the side.

Taipei hotel near mrt

The company decided to let me go to Taipei on business, but the place I’ve never been to, it really is a little lack confidence. The hotel should first set a good job, my colleagues told me that Taipei hotel near mrt at the hotel are very good, so I look for from that above it. I opened Taipei hotel near mrt website above to find it. There are many hotels are very good, I sometimes do not know what kind of a choice. Then I thought I mainly office, or to select areas and transportation services as well as complete a little business hotel is better, so he looked for a better evaluation of business hotel, only now a bit relieved.


Today went to a friend’s house guest, her mother went to the market to buy a lot of food to money to take me, my friends and I sat in the living room there is also nothing, I intend to play aunt to help along the way, I saw aunt cooking with pot is not a bit like the kind of wok pan, and asked her the noisy pot dish convenient? Aunt smiled and said not many people usually at home, most of the time you are my uncle and two people, usually only two people are not fried rice dish on how to buy a pot of this WMF, WMF this Although the kinds of pot can be a small point it is evenly heated, food will not paste, but also to do with this pot pancakes it, dual pot.












和朋友一起玩了這么久了,我們都一直沒有問過彼此是做什麽工作的,不知道為什麽今天突然想問問他是做什麽工作的,我就在QQ上問了一下他,他說他是做機車借款 方面的工作的,我說機車借款是什麽呀,以前都沒有聽說過這方面的事情,不懂,他說就是有人要車子,可是資金不夠,就要去借款,他就是專門做這塊的工作的,聽他解釋完之后我才明白了過來,好像前段時間一個同事就是用了機車借款 才買到了車子的,他問我是做什麽的,我說就是一般的行政人員