

消毒 除蟲

搬家之前要做的就是消毒 除蟲,尤其是有一定年份的房子一定要注意的,就像我這一次,看上的房子確實很不錯,就是因為有些舊,有很多小蟲子,於是我就找人來做消毒 除蟲,大概一天時間就完成了,消毒 除蟲的作業完成之後我看了一下,真的是乾淨很多,還好有他們在,要不然我還不知道要怎麼辦呢。女生對這些小蟲子真的特別害怕的。而且我們是好幾個女生一起住,都不知道要怎麼辦,現在消毒 除蟲都已經做完了,這下可以放心的搬過來,不用擔心會出現蟲子嚇人了。

japan real estate

Want to buy a house already for a long time, originally intended to buy a new house, but the recent second-hand housing is very marketable, because there is no decoration, buy immediately admitted. I heard Japan real estate side of the property is very good, so I want to consult. Japan real estate is really a very professional, introduced me to many in line with my very nice house, I have a little spoiled for choice. Later, they also helped me to be patient for recommended. Buy a house after all is a big thing, I prepared in the Japan real estate to find out more, so it can be more assured to buy. It seems that buy a house or to choose a good bit of real estate companies do, so after what problems are better solved, unlike in other place is not so good a guarantee.

hotel in Taipei

I was doing the desk, so hotel what is the most common thing. Recently our operation in Taiwan is gradually more up, so many colleagues need to go to Taipei on business. I have sorted out a hotel in Taipei table, it is something we often set the hotel. Before looking for the hotel also spent a lot of time, but is now sorted out the hotel in Taipei which is a very good hotel. There are a lot of Traders Hotel, the most suitable for business people. Taipei is really a lot of very good hotel, I also want to what have the opportunity to go there to play it, but there is currently no time.




好多人都給我說是總是找朋友借錢,這可不是個好辦法,因為我也有我自己的企業,要是總是因為公司的一些事情就問別人開口借錢的話確實大家也就會慢慢的厭倦了,所以我想 著以後要是公司再有什麼情況的話我就去財務公司借錢,而且通過財務公司的話,每個月的利率也不是很高,所以相對來說還是比較划算的。這還得感謝一個同是一家企業老闆的朋友告訴我,不然的話我現在還在為借不到錢而發愁呢,因為我的公司在這一地帶也算是小有名氣,好多人都認識我呢。

Taipei Japanese restaurant

Yesterday was Christmas Eve, home if the car if but it was blocked, so I walked back home, when I was walking on the road, to see that our company but many place to open a new Taipei Japanese restaurant, looked at the store decoration is good, inside customer special much, a lot people are queuing for dinner, so I was particularly curious, because his wife has been more like to eat Japanese food, but the Taipei Japanese restaurant watch is also good, must have their Japanese cuisine must also good, so I want to have less empty with wife together to try the Taipei Japanese restaurant.


昨天見到閨蜜的時候我就特別的驚訝,這才幾天沒見閨蜜啊,閨蜜的皮膚變的特別的好,又白又嫩的,于是我就想是不是最近又發現什麽好的護膚品了, 效果這麼的好,怎麼也不給我介紹呢。剛準備問她呢,閨蜜就開始說了,說是自己最近在網上買了一塊的手工皂非常的不錯,這段時間她都是用手工皂洗臉了,效果非常的好,而且泡泡也很細膩,味道也是非常的清香的。然後順便也給我介紹了一下。我還真沒想到,一個手工皂的效果這麼的好,所以我就特別的好奇也想自己去試試。



Ximending boutique hotel

Have always said if there is time to take me out to play, but my husband will never have the time, two days ago and he had, in fact can not blame me, until he said will take to accompany me to play, but a home or work, sometimes really feel particularly lonely well, but now, my husband told me not very busy recently, and he wanted to take me to ximending, I think he might have time is limited, to ximending is also quite good. I said I to book the hotel, because before has been so understand a point, such as the Ximending boutique hotel is very good, I and husband are not married when we had been to a Ximending boutique hotel.