hualien hotel

Always feel or in the Hualien Hotel more comfortable, I should be more used to live there, because of work reasons often come to Hualian, each time I come here will go to live in Hualien Hotel, but this time I colleague of his book the hotel, I told him not to Hualien Hotel together, but the heart is still some uncomfortable how to look at this hotel, but also than Hualien Hotel, and next time I must let my colleagues also like me, to live Hualien Hotel, not only the environment is good, and the service is considerate, unlike the more, call a waiter, to be called several times before people will ignore you, this is what the customer service attitude.




現在想想去婚友社相親其實也還是挺不錯的,因為我和我老婆也是在婚友社相親的時候認識的,現在我們都已經結婚兩年了,感情有也是一直非常的不錯的,所以我覺得其實婚友社相親也還是非常的不錯的,因為我自己以前的時候也是非常的抵觸相親這樣的方式的,我也總覺得現在都什麽時代了還需要什麽相親啊,自己談戀愛還是挺好的嘛,可是事實并不是我想的那樣,自從工作上后,可能因為自己工作的原因根本就接觸不到女孩子 的。慢慢了自己也到了適婚的年齡了,家里也逼著自己去相親了,不過幸運的是我就在在相親的時候找到了自己的真愛。


過幾天就是英文檢定考試了,可是到現在為止,我都沒有好好的複習一下,這段時間公司好多事情,忙得我都把這要考試的事給忘記了。上次報名這個英文檢定的時候也是因為現在我們的好多的項目都和英文有關的,可是自己大學畢業這麼多年來好多的英文都忘 的差不多了,所以我就給自己也去報名了,希望自己的英文能高一點這樣對我來我也是很有好處的,可是沒想到眼看要考試了,我過決複習一下呢,這兩天我得把手上的項目盡快的完成 ,然後為考試做準備。



hualien accommodation

Before my boyfriend has been said to take me to travel to Taiwan but that was over a year ago boyfriend did not take me to travel to Taiwan I was a bit disappointed, at noon with my boyfriend in a dinner I will give male friends told me to go to Taiwan tourism thing, boyfriend. My story said he this time a busy work will take me to travel to Taiwan, her boyfriend said that I said I went to Taiwan tourism in Hualien accommodation, male friends heard me say said to Taiwan tourism is arranged at Hualien accommodation, said is this trip to Taiwan is to let me happy to play. Is really too happy to hear the boyfriend about me like that, I will now quickly plan I will go to the attractions.





hotel in Taipei

Come to Taipei after I gave my friend a phone call, because this is in my life first came to Taipei, so I am here are full of curiosity, but just do not know to where you live, so just to my friends for help, because I heard him say their company every year sent him to Taipei to travel several times, so I have the opportunity to come here often play it, so here is quite familiar with it, so when I give the friend to explain the reason I called, he said let me live in hotel in Taipei, just hotel in Taipei he was member of it, so the price will give me a discount a lot, I am very happy. Think of the Taipei tourism is at their own expense, so back to my job a lot.

kyoto hotel

A friend told me that she is on holiday with her a few colleagues a trip to Japan, I want to ask them a go, said this she and her colleagues is a trip to Japan said accommodation also arranged in Kyoto Hotel, said their travel expenses are all AA, but the best. Listen to the friend say things I said holiday there sure are a lot of people travel to Japan, they arranged for Kyoto Hotel is pretty good, friends heard me say that I asked would you like to go with her, I would tell friends holiday when I give her speak, I don’t know I’ll not go, friends heard me say that they have promised.