海外 房地產 投資

前段時間朋友從我這里借了一筆資金最近這段時間一直沒有消息呢,今天朋友打來電話問我對海外 房地產 投資有沒有興趣呢,說是她現在正在做呢,說是她前段時間從我這里借的那筆資金就用在海外 房地產 投資里面了呢,說是過段時間就會有收益的呢,聽了朋友講的事情我就說我現在公司的事情挺多的呢,我根本就沒有時間去做其它投資呢,朋友聽了我講的事情就說好吧,說是我以后要是感興趣的話可以找她諮詢一些投資的事情呢。



business process outsourcing

My friend recently in business process WBS work there, we have in the business process outsourcing went to class, the business process WBS really too good, I also like the business process outsourcing, today I have an appointment with my friends go out to go shopping, my friend is also very like the business process of WBS, she said now company inside a lot of such business process WBS, is also very happy to work together. We discuss two good, drink tea together to climb up. Let’s go to the mountain, where the air is very good, I also very like the weather there? My friend and I like the beauty of the primitive, can look at more is too much decoration, the air is very fresh here.

日本 飯店

我朋友上次請我吃東西的地方就是日本 飯店,之前也聽到不少的人說這個日本 飯店非常的不錯,可是因為自己平時很少在外面吃東西,一般都是回去家裡面都把飯做好了,平時也沒有機會去這麼高檔的酒店裡面吃東西,那次我朋友過生日就請我們大家一起去日本 飯店裡面吃東西,那還是我第一次去日本 飯店裡面吃東西,當時去了之後就明白爲什麽這裡面會這麼的受到廣大消費者的好評,這家店不但東西做的非常的美味,而且服務工作也是做的一流。



freight forwarding

Before a friend to help me contact the shipping company is also very good, that a group of equipment I purchased abroad not long after all to the company, today with friends in the chat when I was telling a friend about her last time to contact me in the shipping company very good, my goods not long after I got it, but my devices are not damaged. Friends listened to my story and said she met a working partner is freight forwarding so the goods I soon arrived, listening to a friend about what I said it was very good, later if I go abroad to buy equipment if she would help me in touch her friend freight forwarding.

office renovation

My brother to office renovation. Brother together all want to open a shop? He also got a now? My brother every day in decorating a house, my brother is also become very busy every day? Look at elder brother every day is very busy? My brother said office renovation is also very good things. My brother had done decorate. For my brother this office renovation is also very simple. Look at my brother house design now, really is too good. Brother said he found a professional designer. Elder brother also feel very good office renovation? It seems you are on the office renovation is approved?

super robot chogokin

以前就覺得機器人什麼的真的很神奇,智能化的機制真的很有意思,聽了我一個在做玩具方面的同學說的,我就更覺得神奇了,和他聊天總能聽到一些我不知道到的專業詞彙,就比如super robot chogokin什麼的,我個外行不懂這個super robot chogokin到底是什麼意思,只是覺得在字面意思翻譯過來應該和機器人什麼的有關係,他就給我說了一下super robot chogokin其實也就是他們產品中會涉及到的一個技術類相關的事,一般情況下都是可以用到的,反正就是比較有用的一種,現在都比較普遍。

泰國 不動產

和朋友一起約著吃飯,吃飯的時候我們聊天,聊到最近在幹嘛,都在看什麼劇還是其他的,她說她最近再看一個泰劇,還挺有意思的,我就問那是講什麼的,就說是講泰國 不動產有關聯的,本來男主是即將畢業的大三學生,要實習,後面就找到了一個泰國 不動產相關的工作,一開始真的是菜鳥一個,組長吩咐的任務完成的都不太好,洋相百出,也是讓他的組長無話可說,不過後面慢慢的他對泰國 不動產了解的多了、,就好多了,現在也算是變成了一個老鳥,靈活的多了。

