
我和同學一起在外面租了一個公寓式酒店,我們要在這里學習一段時間,所以為了方便,我們就在附近的公寓式酒店,訂好了住宿的地方,所以希望在接下來的時間我可以在這里好好的學習,給我們好的條件去認真的完成自己的功課,讓我也能學習到更多的知識,給自己更全面的發展,而且在公寓式酒店也有一些很好的服務 ,會幫助我們去整理,所以在這里我們住的很愉快,等這次的學習之后,我可以有更好的發展,希望更多的人過來公寓式酒店去享受這里的一切。





Taiwan Taipei hotel

When traveling, we must listen to the suggestions of the people around us, because they will definitely give me a lot of good suggestions. When I chose to travel to Taiwan, my friends recommended many interesting places in Taiwan and many specialty foods to me. Even Taiwan Taipei Hotel, where we stayed at that time, was also recommended to me by a friend of mine. If it weren’t for everyone’s enthusiasm, then the strategy we made in Taiwan would not be so good, and the suggestions we received were also very satisfying to me, especially the Taipei Hotel where we stayed not only has a very good environment, but also has a lot of delicious food around us. We stayed in Taiwan Taipei Hote for a long time. There are no other hotels in the hotel.