kaohsiung attractions

Friends Mary said she wanted to see the Kaohsiung attractions, let me go with her, the last time I went to see Kaohsiung attractions, so I know some Kaohsiung attractions, I also promised Mary accompany her to go to the Kaohsiung attractions thing, and family night at a dinner, I speak in a few days and a friend Xiao Li to Kaohsiung attractions thing, mom asked me not long ago, has just been to the Kaohsiung attractions? How to go, I’ll tell mother, Mary did not have been to Kaohsiung attractions, so I told her I’d go, mom heard me say this, let me Caution. I will tell my mother, I will Caution!, will come back as soon as possible, every time I go out to play when, mother will worry about me.




大學畢業后,到一家外企上班。前段時間老闆告訴我說我的職場英文 水平太差了,說我要是不努力學習職場英文的話,就辭退我。聽到這句話之後,我很傷心,不管咋樣,我也在很努力的工作,難道就因為我的職場英文差,就要開除我嗎。下班後,我給男朋友訴苦。他建議我報個短期的培訓班,再好好學習一下職場英文,幾個月后,老闆肯定會對我改觀的。為了挽回面子,我就決定學習職場英文,三個月后,一定會讓老闆對我刮目相看的。

Ximending boutique hotel

Taking advantage of this holiday I want to talk to some friends to ximending to play. Heard that there is now built very busy, I have not been to. We say, by the way in the Ximending boutique hotel for one night, the second day afternoon to return. So now I booked the room, then to the province people, not the room reservation then trouble. Because I heard that Ximending boutique hotel was very popular. I’ll start early for good. Several friends plan a day have a good day, night, we in the hotel have a talk, because since each married, they rarely have the opportunities to get together to chat. Everybody all day long to living. Taking advantage of this we relax.

新竹 酒店

同事的婚禮是在新竹 酒店裏面舉行呢,日期是在這個周日呢,到時候我們公司人員應該都會去吧,我們公司人也不多,也就十幾個人,大家關係都挺好的,這次同事結婚我們肯定都要早早到新竹 酒店先幫他照顧一下酒店里的事情,聽說同事這次給參加他婚禮的每一位客人都準備了一份小禮物呢,婚禮當天他家人會帶過去,到時候讓我們大家都幫忙往每個餐桌上分放一下,好像還有同事不知道怎麼到新竹 酒店呢,其實非常好找的,只要到了那條街上就能看新竹 酒店的名字了

where to stay in Taipei

My friends to go to work in Taipei recently, may have to spend the night there, I told him that if this is the case, or put the hotel arrangements for the good, but my friends don’t often go to Taipei, so he doesn’t know what hotel Taipei is good, because I always go to Taipei, then asked me where to stay in Taipei where to, hear my friend asked me stay in Taipei, I really do not know, after all, have never been to Taipei, when studied is often to say. I still have the memory of one or two hotel and impression, is a very good hotel, I told him a, this hotel I’m almost can remember, is very good, just tell him.

hualien accommodation

Before I was that have little interest in some things, but now I can’t, because I do I want to do, otherwise I don’t know what my future, I went to Hualian, I saw Hualien accommodation seems to be a very good hotel I want to, I can Hualien accommodation this hotel it should have much good, but in the end I was out of my mind, because I don’t want to put the thing made like that, because I have many other things to do, if I had been obsessed by these things so, what I’m sure is not what progress.

Ximending accommodation

No matter what time you have to believe in the eyes of the public, many people say that Ximending accommodation is a very good hotel, I think you want me to ximending when Ximending accommodation live, but in the end, I still don’t have a choice in Ximending accommodation, and I was afraid I lived there, and I do not think the same of words, so I must be very disappointed, sometimes you need to grasp the things you want to do, so you will have the different results, but I would think, if I really do, nor know in the end what about.



