

hotel in Taipei

This trip is my own hotel, is really troublesome, mainly is the trip to Taipei, before that have only been to Taipei once before or with my classmates to go, also didn’t stay a few days, the Taipei is not very familiar with, but the trip is also very importantthe company leadership, can appreciate me so much, I also cannot neglect, so Iordered the hotel in Taipei, because when I saw it on the Internet all of the hotel inTaipei evaluation is good and everybody said that hotel in Taipei is very comfortable and environment and good, I think everyone so evaluation that is certainly good, so Ibooked the hotel in Taipei.

hualien hotel

The leader said that I’m looking for a hualien Hotel book a house, he will go to Hualian on a business trip a few days there, haven’t heard that our company and lotus company and cooperation, how suddenly going to Hualian on business, then listen to my colleagues said before and cooperation of our company since some things, to terminate and the cooperation of our company, our leaders to find a company in Hualian, that is to look at the past, not only let me to book the Hualien Hotel, then I will give leadership to find a decent number of Hualien Hotel, but the leadership has been said to save it costs, I can only slowly to find appropriate.

Taipei four star

My old classmates said to come here to do a thing, I hope to help arrange accommodation things, they certainly didn’t I know about Taipei, so for me to arrange accommodation is the most appropriate. Find a few hotel told them about, they said it was like Taipei four star, if love lives in here, I’m going to help them make the room immediately, there where the environment is very good and the place to play, but very far away from mine, but he said never mind, had been the trouble I helped arrange so many things a little feel shy, the next thing they handle it on my own, I told them that as long as can help I would help them, anyway, we are friends.




給弟弟辦完婚禮,我已經精疲力盡了,因為啥事都要我這個姐姐操心,我幾乎兩天兩夜沒有合眼,等婚禮辦完,我回到家立馬就睡著了。第二天早上起來直接到公司上班,同事都說我看起來好疲憊啊,我就給他們說其實到現在為止,我還腰酸背痛呢。小鄧就介紹我說讓我下午下班之後到公司樓下的美容院做個舒壓按摩,好好享受一下。我就說好啊,到時候我們幾個一起去。下班我忙完手上的文件,就跟 同事幾個到美容院做了舒壓按摩,做完之後好舒服啊!我們幾個約定每週都來這裡做一次舒壓按摩。





台北 スイーツ

もうすぐ夏だった、私の最も好きな夏に食べることができるので、たくさんとてもおいしいデザート。最近家の近くが開いた1家の台北 スイーツの店があって、中には沢山の魅惑的なデザートですね、本当に見ただけで食欲があるよ。もうしばらく私はきっと行きつけの彼らの家の台北 スイーツとはチェーンでは、多くの地方でも支店のため、商売しか開けこんなに多いでしょう。でも一番正宗のは台北ででしょう、どんな時に食べられるものが本物の台北 スイーツにあればいい、かなりの美味しいに違いない。でも今こんなに近くは台北 スイーツ私は満足している、期待美しい夏だろう。

