
那天見到老同學,他是我們在初中的同學,因爲他小的時候是換牙的時候 不知道是怎麽回事,他的兩個門牙都沒有長出來,所以大家那會都笑她,因爲那樣的話,說起話來總是讓人很模糊,咬字不清楚,可是現在見到他居然有了牙齒,他植牙了,好像說是全瓷牙冠,挺好的,我還沒聽過全瓷牙冠到底是什麽,反正也不是什麽大事也就沒有問這全瓷牙冠到底是什麽,只知道他有牙了,看上去感覺還是挺好的,跟真的也沒有什麽區別,而且還挺好看的。






My son is now in grade two, but English is in a complete mess, even the simplest of all don’t know, I was in a hurry, next year on the third day, to participate in the senior high school entrance examination. It has just opened near my home a Cambridge English cram school, specifically for the college entrance examination, I will give him also in Cambridge English school newspaper, he is now every day after school to cram in Cambridge English cram school, so my heart is steadfast, as long as he is to learn, to a certain time senior high school entrance examination no problem, the Cambridge English teacher so said to me, let me reassure the child to them! After several months of study, I also give their class English teacher said my son had obvious progress in English, I am very pleased.



台北 SPA

好友剛打電話過來說下午讓我陪她一起出去逛逛,她說都已經好久都沒有出去逛逛了,都想了,我想了一下也是,我自己也好久都沒有出去逛逛了,就說下午下班后打電話聯繫,下班后我就打電話給她,沒想到她竟然在我們公司樓下呢,她說本來她想晚點出發呢可是剛好她預約的台北 SPA給她打電話讓她去做台北 SPA呢,她就先去做完了台北 SPA,從美容院出來后,一看時間剛好是我下班的時間,就到我們公司樓下等我了,剛好可以一起去逛





Taipei Japanese restaurant

I am a Japanese, I am interested in tourism, so when the golden week every year, I will go to travel abroad, but a tourism let me the most memorable is years to Chinese Taiwan! I was alone, did not participate in the travel agency, so after I arrived at Taiwan, with a map to find a hotel stay, then enthusiastic Taiwanese learned that I was a Japanese, suggested that I go to Taipei Japanese restaurant for Taipei Japanese, said restaurant is a built in accordance with Japanese customs and habits. I was very interested in, the enthusiastic Taiwanese, personally take me to Taipei Japanese restaurant, the hotel staff to receive me, walked into the hotel, feels he is at home so warm, familiar with.

hualien attractions

Back home in the evening, husband have dinner is ready, I put down something, washed his hands and sat down to dinner, the husband told me that their company recently working on a campaign is about hualien attractions, husband and I have no interest in their company’s activities, I asked my husband if it’s true, I really want to join, I last went to a Hualien attractions, now not to go, that is not to play with it, the scenery there is really good, husband see I was so happy, say that I decided I, next week we together go to Hualien attractions to play, good time fun. Also relax.