
今天是周未,我就和男朋友早早起床去市里面玩,到了商場里面,我就一直在挑選自己喜歡的衣服,男朋友就給我提東西,當時就覺得很開心,可是當我經過台北婚紗門口的時候我深深的被那漂亮的婚紗吸引住 了,我也好想好想去穿那漂亮的婚紗,男朋友看我那么喜歡,就對我說,以后要是我們結婚,我們就到台北婚紗來拍婚紗照,一定要讓我當這世上最幸福,最漂亮的新娘子,我聽了男朋友說的激動的流下了淚水,我就說我一定等那一天的到來。做這個世上最幸福的新娘。

台北 SPA

今天是周未,自己也不知道自己要去做什麽,早上也就多睡了一會,起來把自己的衣物都清洗了一下,房間打掃了一下,就給自己做了一點,就宅在家里面,下午的時候朋友打來電話,說是請我去台北 SPA享受一下,我一次也沒去過台北 SPA,因為那里面太貴了,可身邊的同事都去過台北 SPA,說那里不錯,自己一直也想去,可就沒去,現在有人請我去,我就爽快的答應了,我收拾了一下,就出門了,剛到台北 SPA里面,感覺不錯,心里在想,以后自己有條件了也讓媽媽來享受一下。

taipei luxury hotels

My friend to the field of tourism, give me a lot of photos, she lived there capsule hotel, feel good strange Oh, has not seen such, although the space is very small, but very warm, small but complete., what are inside can watch TV online, the name of what Taipei luxury hotels, in fact, is the home of five Stars Hotel, but also additional business capsule hotel, in order to give some short trips, but the fund is not very adequate for a warm, convenient and quick. I looked at the Taipei luxury hotels this hotel on the web, so high ah, inside the facilities and the environment are not to say, and the service is in place, will also need to live experience.


兒子說是他們準備要裝修房子了,我一聽他們裝修房子我心裏就暗暗的在想,這下我可以去給兒子幫忙了,關於裝修我肯定是比兒子有經驗了,所以我就去找兒子,可是誰知道兒已經把裝修房子的事情交給我裝修公司 ,根本不用我擔心的,還說是裝修房子的時候用的是綠建材,我都活了大半輩子了我還真不知道綠建材是什麽樣的綠建材,它有什麽特殊之地方吧。後來兒子給我說是綠建材是一種具有環保而且對人無害的一建材而已,算了我也知道現在的人都很注重健康的,算了他們說的那些我還有的不懂呢,我還是不管了。

Taiwan Taipei hotel

下午下班路過Taiwan Taipei hotel竟然看到我之前的一個小學同學竟然在里面上班,我每次都路過可自己從來都沒有進去看過,看到是認識的人,就進去叫了一聲,幸好同學還認識我,就問我怎麼在這里,我就說看到你在里面,我就進來看看,和老同學聊了一會,老同學也帶我到Taiwan Taipei hotel里面玩了一下,經過了解才知道同學畢業后就讀了酒店管理,去年畢業后就在Taiwan Taipei hotel工作了,我現在只是一家小公司的職員,可真羡慕同學的工作,自己以后也要在自己工作中更加努力。取得自己的成功。期待那一天的到來。





Taipei Japanese restaurant

Friday evening and friends about good Saturday to Taipei Japanese restaurant for dinner, but now the mother has told me to go tomorrow Taipei Japanese restaurant dating, is just a place, I didn’t agree to go on a blind date, can think about is just a place, and friends in the side, let me friends and I were on a blind date! Feel good, let my friends meet, if good, I again not late ah, so the decision, but also do not have to pay, will take this call friends, friends are still reluctant to start, but agreed to, in my persuasion, it is very good. I am happy to sleep. I hope tomorrow will be a different harvest.

five star luxury hotels in berlin

University dormitory with two roommates is German, just on the University of Germany, I basically no what to know, but by who, I learned many things in Germany, suddenly feel that they are a very powerful nation, rigorous and wisdom, but sometimes a bit too far. One roommate midway went to Germany, she is a part-time work, side to side, in a company called five star luxury hotels in Berlin hotel work, she said that the German architectural style is so strange, had never seen, very beautiful, five star luxury hotels in Berlin indoor decoration is it is the Royal Palace feeling, she said she wanted to stay in Germany, if the five star luxury hotels in Berlin worked just fine.

Ximending luxury hotel

Husband and I like to play the Hsimenting, where we go to ximending time, live in the Ximending luxury hotel, I think we live in Ximending luxury hotel is one of those very atmosphere of the hotel, but my husband said if you what time it is in the Ximending luxury hotel of this hotel, the so I definitely don’t agree, I said you can rest assured, I definitely wouldn’t do that, actually I think Ximending luxury hotel is mainly because they give people the feeling is very good, my mom said you only love can be, we don’t talk anymore things.