



hualien attractions

Every time I go to Hualien will find that there is not the same, in fact, that when I went to Hualien to see a lot of people will take hualien attractions, I think those hualien attractions are very good, I was very fond of, because hualien attractions after you read the kind will feel very nice scenery, but my husband said you are not to Hualien where the scenery a little too exaggerated it, I said no, ah, I think I said very common, sometimes you feel better, but others will not think like that, so that I’m going to reflect on his own in the end how to do it is the best.





hualien hotel

Last month and his colleagues Xiao Li to go Taipei tourism, very happy to play, Xiao Li is a very good guide, before going to Taipei, she told me, she was on the Taipei local geographic location is very understanding, because her work before she often came to Taipei on business, and every time travel to Taipei there will be a long time to stay in Taipei, so she also visited many famous places in Taipei, before going to Xiao Li will help us in advance booked a hotel online, the hotel name is Hualien Hotel, when we get to Taipei can be directly in the Hualien Hotel inside the rest, I found this hotel accommodation environment is very good, and the hotel service is also very good.


家裡的冰箱壞了,我想給我媽媽重新買一個新的呢,可是媽媽就是不願意,說是現在家裡的這個舊款的冰箱還可以用呢, 可是我到我朋友家裡去,他們家的冰箱都好大,可以放好多東西呢。於是我就不顧媽媽的勸阻,用我一個月的工資給媽媽買了一個最新款的海爾冰箱。因為剛好商場搞活動,所以我就買了一個,等貨運工人幫我們送到家裡的時候,我媽媽還以為人家走錯門了呢,其實不是的,因為是我給買的,想給媽媽一個驚喜呢媽媽用過之後覺得也挺不錯的

invest japan

I have a Japanese friend he is to do invest Japan in Japan, a few years ago, he also invited me to go to Japan to help him, but I just got married at that time, and the wife is pregnant, so I’m not at ease leaving their mother alone to go to Japan to help his friend invest Japan company. We were chatting in MSN last week, he also mentions this matter, if I want to say is to go to Japan to help his words, his invest Japan company will become better and better, difficult to refuse such kindness, and I also with the wife ditch passed, he also want me to go to Japan, said let me follow friends do, advanced technology in Japan, to return to pave the way for the later development of.



