WDA design courses

Come to work there for some time, did not think this colleague Liu gave me the WDA design courses is very good, but also it is particularly large for my work to help, I arrived in the company of people, this work also is really some the difficulty for me, especially before I do not learn this stuff, so I will go to the WDA design courses, did not expect to come here after I really learned a lot of good things, and now I work and don’t feel before that hard. That really is also doing better and better, would have been the WDA design courses.



飯店 下午茶

和我朋友們一起去喝飯店 下午茶的時候,其實我還不知道為什麼他們會突然想到我們一起去喝飯店 下午茶呢,到最後我才知道原來是我朋友有事情要去宣佈,很多時候我都會覺得我要是有自己的事情要去忙的話,我就會忽略了很多事情,我覺得這樣的自己很不好,但是我還是會那樣,因為我覺得我這個人做事情要是不怎麼專心的話,那麼我做事情的效率肯定會大打折扣,所以說我現在不會管那麼多和我無關的事情,所以說這次我要是不喝飯店 下午茶的話,我還不知道我朋友有時間要宣佈。

osaka airport transfer

“I and several colleagues to go abroad on business, brought a lot of things, the most important is to can’t until, we need to turn for the better, but we also to local unfamiliar, but fortunately I have prepared, I in the online check ah check, compared to a lot of home, the final choice of the Osaka Airport Transfer to help us turn, to the local after aircraft osaka airport transfer has to pick us up, confirm that we took us to the need to turn for the better. Later we successfully landed on the next plane, no fee that is a fix. Leadership to see my arrangement so good, say go back to give me a reward. Haha, that’s great. There is a need for a friend to choose airport transfer osaka.

tokyo hotel

我們準備搞個同學聚會,大家自從大學畢業后,已經很多年就很少在見面,所以我們最近正在籌備聚會的各方面事宜,當然要先搞定的就是聚會場地了,這件事情真的是毫不疑問的落在了我的身上,因為大家都覺得我對這方面比較熟,所以就交給了我,其實也沒有錯,我確實是對這方面必較熟悉,這次聚會我已經選好了場地tokyo hotel,我的好幾個朋友結婚就是選在了tokyo hotel,非常棒的,環境又好飯菜也非常美味。等到聚會完后,大家都覺得tokyo hotel確實是非常好。

CA Human Resource

This CA Human Resource came to work and I also really is very happy, because I’ve always love the CA Human Resource, so the time in school is always concerned about this CA Human Resource, and not only are concerned about it, I also learned a lot of very good something, also hope when I work with to, did not expect the results just came to the CA Human Resource is in charge of back I teach a lot of very good things, I also love more and more CA Human last one of Resource’s work, it is the feeling of work is very good here, I believe I will try to work here, getting better and better.

