
我的小弟弟正處於 轉骨時期,每天吃的可好了,老媽讓我在學校好好照顧他。我家是河南的,妈妈生我的時候我因為營養不良,導致我抵抗力特別差,經常感冒生病,五年後我媽媽生下了我弟弟,五年间改變了很多,首先我家生活條件比以前好多了,妈妈不想弟弟和我一樣,所以從小讓他鍛煉,現在他也三歲了,正在 轉骨時期,所以營養得跟上啊,每天必喝一杯純牛奶,吃一個雞蛋,現在他身體壯得很,跟小牛犢子一樣了。

Ximending boutique hotel

One of my high school classmates answer read a year, this year’s college entrance examination, he was the sports talented students, so in April Xi’an Physical Education University examination. After the bus ride to come from Ankang City, they are next to the Ximending Boutique Hotel Institute in Xi’an, probably in for a week. I have no class on Wednesday, so save come and have a look at him, I was in Xianyang, take the subway back to more than an hour, and then look for the Ximending boutique hotel for a long time did not see, and then I use Baidu map search, find the bus, and then transfer to line, to a village called edge place, finally saw Ximending Boutique Hotel, and then we go to eat a meal, after two days will be a test, want him to come on, you can get a good result.




好不容易買到了質量這麼好的背巾,因為我想著以後要是帶孩子出去也方便了呢,不能每次都出去推著嬰兒車吧!再說了有時候也不方便啊!於是我就給孩子買了個背巾,想著家裡人要是帶著孩子出去的話也方便,可是沒想到我家孩子還沒有使用的時候,就被我姐姐看中了, 說是要給他們家孩子用呢,我就忍痛割愛說是那好吧!畢竟那是我姐姐呢,於是我就在網上重新給我們家寶寶買了一個跟之前哪個背巾一模一樣的呢,拿回來之後,打開包裝一試,確實很方便的!


我有一個鄰居,他的爸爸媽媽都離婚了各自組建了新的家庭,他由他奶奶帶著,從小他爸媽就不管他,他奶奶年事又太高了,所以平時日子過得很苦,我們也經常去幫助他們家。學校給他減免了全部學費,可是他正處於 轉骨時期,對於營養要求挺高的。可能小時候他營養不足吧所以看起來又瘦又小,正逢上他轉骨的時候,營養跟不上很可能發育不良,所以我們也常給他送牛奶,希望以後他可以生活得更好。

Ximending boutique hotel

Sunny, close your eyes, feel the passion in the cicada in summer, I like this leisurely carry bags, standing on the already recorded Liu Cheng Zhuang shady wait wind take me to Ximending Boutique Hotel, the collection and the heartless dead girl, then a mighty swing Hao out for me graduation carnival. Meditation spirit has been standing behind me, a quiet look at me giggle, react immediately I a supercilious look to him, let us all the way to the Ximending Boutique Hotel, long time no see, several of our dead girl meet embrace together, cheering. Ling wind only reluctantly shook his head, for us to pack up and ready to go. Graduation is like and friends together and hi… It’s very smooth. The rest, we will draw a refreshing summer makeup, messenger with small, began after being apart a long time carnival. Look forward to the beauty of the day.


上大學了,各種各樣的社團讓人眼花繚亂,想來想去最後我還是報了一個 徵信社,因為我從小對電腦就聽感興趣的,而且圖文編輯是我的強項啊。不過這個 徵信社人挺多的,所以有時候我們需要出外景拍攝照片,這個我就不太擅長了,頂多拍幾張用美圖秀秀修一下圖。我們 微信社越來越壯大了,今年招生人數比去年多了百分之十,不過最後還是有很多人退了,因為有些人覺得太忙了,又沒啥意思。不過各人都有各人的選擇吧。


妹妹在一家 婚友社上班,見證了無數人的姻緣,可是她自己卻還是單身一人,我們就說她,当媒婆給別人介紹信手拈來,一到自己就不行了。可是她说不想為了結婚而找一個男人,她想為了一個男人而結婚。說白了就是要找一個對得上眼的,她在 婚友社上班,也不是沒人追她,可我妹就想找一個有感覺的。實在有點難啊,雖然 婚友社好多朋友也給她介紹,不過我妹就一句話,不想親,她要慢慢等,沒有遇到合適的大不了就不結了。到底是還年輕啊,或許過幾年她自己都要急著找老公了呢。

Taipei hotel near mrt

A month of training, it is to put our tired sometimes lying in bed asleep. But the feeling is really a lot of good, if not get the position, when is exercise. In mid May, we went to the Xi’an Physical Education University in the game, Taipei hotel near MRT near the school and live in the. The Taipei hotel near MRT is arranged by the school, and is free, so to play well. But we on the day of the match, the pressure is really great. Early in the morning we from the Taipei hotel near MRT came out, the way to school I felt a little nervous. However, friendship first, competition second.

